Pondering the intersection of architecture + faith
Discover the spiritual significance of architectural design.
This website is an architect's reflection on the practice of architecture as it relates to the Garden, the Spirit + the Art of the Everyday.
To those curious about the built environment, and who are eager to explore how Faith intersects or grows within, I welcome this conversation. To authentically voice my experiences in the realm of Architecture + Faith, I’ve found it inspiring to imagine my fellow creative and friend sitting across from me, maybe in front of a fire sharing a cup of tea in handmade mugs. I speak to these souls: the potter, the songwriter, the woodworker, the gardener, the poet, the painter, the cook, the homemaker, and to the one who feels called to mend the broken. With these friends who seek to unearth the beauty and Holy in every moment, I am encouraged and delighted to share a communal calling to Faithfully Create.